Alex Sharpe

Director of Impact
Research interests: Social & Legal Theory; Law, Ethics and Aesthetics; Human Rights; Gender, Sexuality and Law; Criminal Justice; Law and Popular Culture.
School of Law
S2.30, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
024 765 23615
Office Hours: Term 2 2024-2025
Tuesday - 5-6 pm
Friday - 4-5 pm
Alex’s research interests lie in the areas of social and legal theory; law, ethics, and aesthetics; legal history; criminal justice; gender, sexuality and law; and law and popular culture.
She is the author of over 100 publications, including four sole-authored monographs:
David Bowie Outlaw: Essays on Difference, Authenticity, Ethics, Art & Love (London: Routledge, 2022)
Sexual Intimacy and Gender Identity 'Fraud': Reframing the Legal & Ethical Debate (London: Routledge, 2018)
Foucault's Monsters and the Challenge of Law (London: Routledge, 2010)
Transgender Jurisprudence: Dysphoric Bodies of Law (London: Cavendish, 2002)
Recent Peer-Reviewed Articles include:
'My Death Waits: David Bowie and Mortality' (forthcoming 2025)
'Deceptive Sex: Rethinking Consent from the Gender Margins' Modern Law Review (published online 29 January 2025 Wiley)
Review Essay of Who’s Afraid of Gender?’ by Judith Butler (2024) Law and Critique (published online 29 November 2024 Springer)
’Deception as to Gender: A Review of Proposed Revisions to CPS Legal Guidance on Rape and Serious Sexual Offences' Journal of Criminal Law (published online 3 October 2024 Sage)
'European Human Rights Law and the Legality of Sex Offence Prosecutions based on Deception as to Gender History' Legal Studies (published online 15 August 2024 Cambridge UP)
LLB (University of Warwick 1987); LLM by Research (University of Western Australia 1993); PhD (University of Keele 2009); Barrister at Law (Lincoln's Inn 1988); Associate Member (Garden Court Chambers); Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Western Australia (1990) and of the High Court of Australia (1991) (non-practising).
Alex joined Warwick in 2020. Previously she researched and taught at Keele University (2004-2020), Macquarie University (1996-2004), the LSE (1995), the University of Sydney (1994) and the University of Western Australia (1993). She has been a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, the Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal, the Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden, the Crime and Justice Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), and the Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney. She has a significant media profile and is widely consulted on trans/law issues. In relation to trans/law issues, she has advised Amnesty International, various public bodies, and the legal profession; has sat on the International Legal Committee of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), and has been cited judicially in various jurisdictions, including by the European Court of Human Rights.
Prior to her academic career, she worked as a prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service in London (1988-1989) and as a litigator for two commercial law firms in Perth, Western Australia (Jackson McDonald 1989-1990; Dwyer Thomas 1990-1991).
- Sharpe, Alex, 2024. Deceptive sex : rethinking consent from the gender margins. Modern Law Review
- Sharpe, Alex, 2024. European human rights law and the legality of sex offence prosecutions based on deception as to gender history. Legal Studies
- Sharpe, Alex, 2024. Deception as to gender : a review of proposed revisions to CPS legal guidance on rape and serious sexual offences. Journal of Criminal Law
- Sharpe, A., 2024. Judith Butler. Who's afraid of gender?. Law and Critique, 35 (3), pp. 1-19
- Sharpe, A., 2020. Will Gender Self-Declaration Undermine Women's Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms?. Modern Law Review, 83 (3), pp. 539-557
- Sharpe, A., 2017. The Ethicality of the Demand for (Trans)Parency in Sexual Relations. Australian Feminist Law Journal, 43 (2), pp. 161-183
- Sharpe, A., 2017. Queering Judgment : the case of gender identity fraud. Journal of Criminal Law, 81 (5), pp. 417-435
- Sharpe, A., 2017. Scary Monsters : The Hopeful Undecidability of David Bowie (1947-2016). Law and Humanities, 11 (2), pp. 228-244
- Sharpe, A., 2016. Expanding Liability for Sexual Fraud through the Concept of 'Active Deception' : A Flawed Approach. Journal of Criminal Law, 80 (1), pp. 28-44
- Sharpe, A., 2015. Sexual Intimacy, Gender Variance and Criminal Law. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 33 (4), pp. 380-391
- 'Sharpe, A., 2014. 'Criminalising Sexual Intimacy : Transgender Defendants and the Legal Construction of Non-Consent. Criminal Law Review, pp. 207-223
- 'Sharpe, A., 2012. 'Transgender marriage and the legal obligation to disclose gender history. The Modern Law Review, 75 (1), pp. 33-53
- 'Sharpe, A., 2009. 'A return to the 'truth' of the past. Social & Legal Studies, 18 (2), pp. 259-263
- 'Sharpe, A., 2009. 'England's legal monsters. Law, Culture and the Humanities, 5 (1), pp. 100-130
- 'Sharpe, A., 2009. 'Gender recognition in the UK : a great leap forward. Social & Legal Studies, 18 (2), pp. 241-245
- 'Sharpe, A., 2007. 'Structured like a monster : understanding human difference through a legal category. Law and Critique, 18 (2), pp. 207-228
- 'Sharpe, A., 2007. 'Endless sex : The Gender Recognition Act 2004 and the persistence of a legal category. Feminist Legal Studies, 15 (1), pp. 57-84
- 'Sharpe, A., 2007. 'Foucault's monsters, the abnormal individual and the challenge of English Law. Journal of Historical Sociology, 20 (3), pp. 384-403
- Moran, L. J., Sharpe, A., 2004. Violence, identity and policing. Criminal Justice Matters, 4 (4), pp. 395-417
- Sharpe, A., 2002. Thinking critically in moments of transgender law reform : Re Kevin and Jennifer v Attorney-General for the Commonwealth. Griffith Law Review, 11 (2), pp. 309-331
- Moran, L. J., Sharpe, A., 2002. Policing the transgender/violence relation. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 13 (3), pp. 269-285
- Sharpe, A., 2002. English transgender law reform and the spectre of Corbett. Feminist Legal Studies, 10 (1), pp. 65-89
- Sharpe, A., 2001. In the shadow of homosexual anxiety : transgender law reform in Western Australia. Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 10, pp. 1-26
- Sharpe, A., 2001. One step beyond the New Zealand judiciary and transgender law reform. Alternative Law Journal, 26 (3), pp. 130-133
- Sharpe, A., 2001. From functionality to aesthetics : the architecture of transgender jurisprudence. Murdoch University Electronic Law Journal, 8 (1)
- 'Sharpe, A., 2000. 'Transgender jurisprudence and the spectre of homosexuality. Australian Feminist Law Journal, 14 (1), pp. 23-37
- Sharpe, A., 1999. Imagining the sexual : transgendered desire and law's limit. Flinders Journal of Law Reform, 3 (2), pp. 273-282
- Sharpe, A., 1999. Transgender performance and the discriminating gaze : a critique of anti-discrimination regulatory regimes. Social & Legal Studies, 8 (1), pp. 5-24
- Sharpe, A., 1997. Theoretical note : coercion and the status of non-compliant action. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 30 (1), pp. 95-96
- Sharpe, A., 1997. Anglo-Australian judicial approaches to transsexuality : discontinuities, continuities and wider issues at stake. Social & Legal Studies, 6 (1), pp. 23-50
- Sharpe, A., 1997. Attempting the 'impossible' : the case of transsexual rape. Criminal Law Journal, 21 (1), pp. 23-31
- Sharpe, A., 1997. Naturalising sex difference through sport : an examination of the New South Wales transgender legislation. Alternative Law Journal, 22 (1), pp. 40-41
- Sharpe, A., 1997. The transsexual and marriage : law's contradictory desires. Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 7, pp. 1-14
- Sharpe, A., 1996. Judicial uses of transsexuality : a site for political contestation. Alternative Law Journal, 21 (4), pp. 153-156
- Sharpe, A., 1995. Police performance crime as structurally coerced action. Policing and Society, 5 (3), pp. 201-220
- Sharpe, A., 1995. Corporate performance crime as structurally coerced action. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 28 (1), pp. 73-92
- Sharpe, A., 1994. The precarious position of the transsexual rape victim. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 6 (2), pp. 303-307
- 'Sharpe, A., 2021. 'Concept : Power [Chapter 21]. Wall, Illan rua; Middleton, Freya; Shah, Sahar (eds.), The Critical Legal Pocketbook, Counterpress
- Sharpe, Alex, 2021. David Bowie Outlaw : essays on difference, authenticity, ethics, art & love. London and New York, Routledge
- 'Sharpe, A., 2018. 'Sexual Intimacy and Gender Identity 'Fraud' : reframing the legal and ethical debate. London, Routledge
- 'Sharpe, A., 2016. 'Sexual Intimacy, Gender Variance, and Criminal law [previously published in '2015 33(4) Nordic Journal of Human Rights 380-391']. Hellum, A. (ed.), Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity, London, Routledge
- Sharpe, A., 2016. Transgender Jurisprudence and the Spectre of Homosexuality. Law and Sexuality: Critical Concepts in Law, London, Routledge
- Sharpe, A., 2016. Transgender Marriage and the Legal Obligation to Disclose Gender History. Law and Sexuality: Critical Concepts in Law, London, Routledge
- 'Moran, L., 'Sharpe, A., 2016. 'Violence, identity and policing : the case of violence against transgender people [previously published as 'L. Moran and Alex Sharpe, 'Violence, Identity and Policing: The Case of Violence Against Transgender People', Criminal Justice, 2004, 4, 395?417']. Theoretical Criminology: Critical Concepts in Criminology, London, Routledge
- 'Sharpe, A., 2010. 'Structured like a monster : understanding human difference through a legal category. In Golder, B.; Fitzpatrick, P. (eds.), Foucault and the Law, Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate, pp. 257-278
- 'Sharpe, A., 2010. 'Marriage and Civil Partnerships : equality and difference. In Strasser, S.; Holzleithner, E. (eds.), Multikulturalismus queer gelesen: Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften, Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag, pp. 261-275
- 'Sharpe, A., 2009. 'Foucault's Monsters and the Challenge of Law.
- 'Sharpe, A., 2008. 'Endless sex : the Gender Recognition Act and the persistence of a legal category [6th revised edition]. Hale, B.; Monk, D.; Cooke, E.; Pearl, D. (eds.), The Family, Law and Society: Cases and Materials, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Sharpe, A., 2006. Transgender jurisprudence and the spectre of homosexuality [previously published in (2000) Australian Feminist Law Journal vol 14 (March) pp 23-37]. In Moran, L. J. (ed.), Sexuality and Identity, Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 85-101
- Sharpe, A., 2006. From functionality to aesthetics : the architecture of transgender jurisprudence [previously published in 2001 Murdoch University Electronic Law Journal 8(1) March]. In Stryker, S.; Whittle , S. (eds.), The Transgender Studies Reader, New York, Routledge, pp. 621-631
- Witten, T. M., Benestad, E. E. P., Berger, I., Ekins, R., Ettner, R., Harima, K., King, D., Landén, M., Nodin, N., P?yatokha, V., Sharpe, A., 2003. Transgender/Transsexuality [encyclopedia entry]. In Ember, C. R.; Ember, M. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Men and Women in the World's Cultures, New York, Kluwer/Plenum, pp. 207-232
- 'Sharpe, A., 2002. 'Transgender Jurisprudence : dysphoric bodies of law.
- Sharpe, A., 1998. Institutionalising heterosexuality : the legal exclusion of 'impossible' (trans)sexualities. In Moran, L.; Beresford, S.; Monk, D. (eds.), Legal Queeries: Lesbian, Gay and Transgender Legal Studies, London, Cassell, pp. 26-41
- 'Sharpe, A., 2021. 'Review of 'Kathleen Stock's Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism (London: Fleet, 2021) pp 312'. Critical Legal Thinking
- 'Sharpe, A., 2021. 'Review of 'Helen Joyce's Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality (London: Oneworld, 2021) pp 311'. Critical Legal Thinking
- Sharpe, A., 2019. OPINION : Are Some Feminists Asking the Wrong Question about Who Counts as a "Lesbian"?. Diva Magazine, DIVA Media Group
- Dunne, P., Sharpe, A., 2019. Gym Use and Changing Rooms. Oxford University Human Rights Hub, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford
- Sharpe, A., 2018. Foxes in the Henhouse : Putting the Trans Women Prison Debate in Perspective. Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender & Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- Sharpe, A., 2018. Parliament cannot have Intended such Absurdity : 'Shifting Sands' : Six Legal Views on the Transgender Debate. The Guardian, Guardian News & Media Limited
- Sharpe, A., 2018. Author Q&A for : 'Sexual Intimacy and Gender Identity 'Fraud' : Reframing the Legal and Ethical Debate'. Routledge
- Sharpe, A., Freedman, R., Auchmuty, R., 2018. What Would Changes to the Gender Recognition Act Mean? Two legal views. The Conversation, The Conversation Trust (UK)
- Sharpe, A., 2018. Legal Arguments that Gender Self-Declaration Undermines Women's Rights are Seriously Flawed. Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender & Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- Sharpe, A., 2017. Let's Get Real on International Women's Day. Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender & Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- Sharpe, A., 2017. Taking to Task : Left Liberal Opposition to Greening's Gender Recognition Reforms. Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law Gender and Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- Sharpe, A., Raj, S., 2017. Using AI to Determine Queer Sexuality is Misconceived and Dangerous. The Conversation, The Conversation Trust (UK)
- Sharpe, A., 2017. Blind Desire : The Troubling Case of Gayle Newland. Inherently Human : Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender & Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- Sharpe, A., 2017. My favourite album : David Bowie's Diamond Dog. The Conversation, The Conversation Trust (UK)
- Sharpe, A., 2017. Gayle Newland and the Problem of Equating Ignorance with Non-Consent. The Conversation, The Conversation Trust (UK)
- Sharpe, A., 2017. Why We Should Oppose Gender Identity Fraud Prosecutions. Legal Voice
- Sharpe, A., 2016. 'Stop Me if You Think You've Heard This One Before' : The Stranglehold of the 'Gender Fraud' Narrative. Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender & Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- Sharpe, A., 2016. The Poverty of Gender Critical Feminism. Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender and Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- Sharpe, A., 2016. Transgender Inquiry Side-Steps Urgent Issue of 'Gender Fraud'. Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender and Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- Sharpe, A., 2015. The Dark Truth Behind the Convictions for 'Gender Fraud'. New Statesman, NS Media Group
- Sharpe, A., 2015. Let Germaine Greer speak : its the fastest way to discredit her. New Statesman, NS Media Group
- Sharpe, A., 2015. There's More Than Meets the Eye in the Case of Gayle Newland. New Statesman, NS Media Group
- Sharpe, A., 2015. Deceit or Disappointment? Gender Fraud Revisited. Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender and Sexuality, School of Law, Durham University
- 'Sharpe, A., 2013. 'Julie A. Greenberg : intersexuality and the Law : why sex matters [review essay]. Feminist Legal Studies, Springer Netherlands, pp. 327-330
- 'Sharpe, A., 2009. 'A review of "Transgender Voices: Beyond Women and Men" [Lori B. Girshick. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England, 2008. 208 pp]. International Journal of Transgenderism, Haworth Press Inc, pp. 65-68
- Sharpe, A., 2003. Talking point : Kevin and Jennifer revisited. Polare, Sydney Gender Centre, pp. 33-34
- Sharpe, A., 2002. Intersex, transgender and English Law reform. Transgender Tapestry, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), pp. 39-41
- Sharpe, A., 2002. Sex, marriage and the F2M. Torque, FTMA Association, pp. 11-13
- Moran, L. J., Sharpe, A., 2001. Reporting transgender violence : encounters with the Police. Polare, Sydney Gender Centre
- Sharpe, A., 2000. (Trans)Sexual dissidents : beyond law's desire. ALSA Law Reporter, pp. 30-34
- Sharpe, A., 1998. Pat Califia, sex changes : the politics of transgenderism [review of 'Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism by P. Califia, (Cleis Press, San Francisco, 1997)']. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, Taylor and Francis, pp. 341-342
- Sharpe, A., 1997. Book review of "Corporate Crime: Contemporary Debates (eds) F. Pearce and L. Snider (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996)". Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, SAGE, pp. 100-102
- Sharpe, A., 1997. Review of 'Homophobic Violence (eds) G. Mason and S. Tomsen (Sydney: Hawkins Press, 1997)'. Australian Journal of Human Rights, Taylor and Francis, pp. 218-219
- Sharpe, A., 1996. Review of 'Crime and Criminology: An Introduction (eds) R White and F. Haines (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996)'. Current Issues in Criminal Justice
- Sharpe, A., 1995. The failure to degenderise the law of rape : the criminal justice and Public Order Act and the transsexual rape victim. The Criminal Lawyer, Bloomsbury Professional Ltd, pp. 7-8
Public Engagement through the Artist David Bowie.
This project has involved exploring philosophical ideas (difference, authenticity, love), creative methodologies (William Burroughs cut-ups writing technique) and public debates (the proper relation between ethics, aesthetics and art) through the figure of David Bowie as guide. It has involved a series of public lectures on the legal category and social theory template Monster (ASU, Phoenix; ANU, Canberra; QUT Brisbane; Birkbeck College (2016), Queer Up North Festival, Contact Theatre, Manchester; University of Keele, University of Edinburgh (2017), University of Sheffield (2018) University of Warwick (2022), University of Nottingham (2024); on the influence of William Burroughs writing methods on the creative output of the artist (5th Annual David Bowie Festival, Dublin 2020; The Tin Music and Arts Centre, Coventry 2024) on the concept of authenticity (6th Annual David Bowie Festival, Dublin 2021, University of Warwick 2023); on the relationship between ethics, aesthetics and art in the context of Bowie's artistic 'flirtation' with fascism (University of Warwick 2021), and on love (Birkbeck College 2023, University of Warwick 2023, University of Birmingham 2025, University of Cambridge 2025). See, for example:
- 'Flirting with Fascism: the Thin White Duke, art and ethical limits'
The project culminated in a book (a collection of essays) titled: David Bowie Outlaw (Routledge, 2022), which is written so as to be accessible to non-academic as well as academic audiences.
Past Project: Prosecuting Trans People for Desire-Led Intimacy: the legal and ethical case against
This project was funded by a Leverhulme Research Fellowship (2016-2018 - £42,319). It considers, and critiques, a series of criminal prosecutions brought against trans and other gender non-conforming young people for so-called ‘gender identity fraud’ between 2012-2018. In particular, it rethinks the criminal law and philosophical concepts of consent, harm and deception, in light of these prosecutions. The project led to a series of peer-reviewed articles (see Publications tab), media interventions and blogs (see ‘Media’ tab), and culminated in Alex’s third monograph, Sexual Intimacy and Gender Identity ‘Fraud’: reframing the legal & ethical debate (Routledge, 2018)
Cited by European Court of Human Rights
Hämäläinen v Finland [2014] ECHR 877 (Joint Dissenting Opinion of Judges Sajo, Keller & Lemmens, para. 13) (appeal on basis of Article 8 against state's refusal to register religious devout trans woman applicant as female unless she divorced or converted her marriage into a civil partnership. Appeal rejected)
Cited by Florida State Court
In the Marriage of Michael J. Kantaras v Linda Kantaras (2003) 6th Judicial Circuit, Pasco County, Florida, case No. 98-5375CA 511998-DR00537WS (Justice O’Brien) (case involved consideration of whether Mr Kantaras, a trans man, was legally male for the purposes of marriage law. Justice O'Brien held that he was, though the decision was later overturned in 2004 by the Florida Second District Court of Appeal.
Cited by Family Court of Australia
Attorney-General for the Commonwealth of Australia v Kevin and Jennifer & HREOC (2003) FamCA 94 (Chief Justice Nicholson, Justice Ellis and Justice Brown) (appeal court agreed unanimously with Justice Chisholm)
Attorney-General for the Commonwealth of Australia v Kevin and Jennifer & HREOC (2001) FamCA 1074 (Justice Chisholm) (case involved consideration of whether Kevin, a trans man, was legally male for the purposes of marriage law. In a break through decision at the time, Justice Chisholm held he was despite not having undertaken phalloplastic surgery)
1. Oral Evidence given before Parliamentary Committees
Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry into Gender Recognition Act reform (Dec 2020)
2. Parliamentary Written Submissions:
Submission on CPS Consultation on Deception as to Gender - Section in Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) Legal Guidance (Dec 2022)
Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill: A Consultation (March 2020)
Government Equalities Office regarding Reform of the GRA 2004 to allow for gender self-declaration (co-author: Dr Peter Dunne, Bristol University) (October 2018)
Ministry of Justice Inquiry into the Care and Management of Transgender Offenders - focus on issues of allocation and segregation within the prison estate (co-authors: Dr Fabienne Emmerich and Dr Robyn Emerton) (2016)
Women and Equalities Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiry into Transgender Equality - focus on criminal law and marriage issues (August 2015)
Co-author of submission by GIRES (Gender Identity, Research and Education Society) to Public Bills Committee proposing legislative amendments to the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill 2013
3. Citation/discussion in Parliamentary Reports:
'Reform of the Gender Recognition Act: Third Report of Session 2021-2022 Women and Equalities Committee (2021) at paras 85, 87 and 127.
4. Citation in Parliamentary, Amicus Curiae and Other Legal Submissions:
United Kingdom
Submission by the Centre for Law and Social Justice, University of Leeds, and Intersex UK to the Women and Equalities Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiry into Transgender Equality (August 2015)
Submission by the Gender Identity, Research and Education Society to the Public Bills Committee proposing legislative amendments to the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill 2013
Hong Kong
Submission by counsel for W in the Hong Kong appeal case of W v Registrar for Marriages against the decision of Mr Justice A. Cheung, Appeal heard October 12-14, 2011
Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs in relation to the ‘Inquiry into the Effectiveness of the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984 in Eliminating Discrimination and Promoting Gender Equality’ by the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University, Mebourne, 2009
Submission by the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission intervening in Re Alex: Hormonal Treatment for Gender Identity Dysphoria [2004] FamCA 297
Amicus Curiae intervention by the Programa para America Latina y el Caribe Comision Internacional para los Derechos Humanos de Gays y Lesbianas in Alitt Associacion Lucha Por La Identidad Travesti-Transexual c/IGJ 1720574/35584 s/Recurso Contencioso-Administrativo (2006) Buenos Aires
Impact of research around criminal prosecution of trans and other gender non-conforming people for 'gender fraud' on Policy of Public Institutions and Human Rights Bodies:
Crown Prosecution Service - Rape and Sexual Offences Legal Guidance (Impact on redrafting 'Transgender Suspects - evidential considerations’ section, forthcoming)
Amnesty International - deepened Amnesty’s analysis of the human rights impact of state criminalisation practices. Amnesty now use the example of ‘gender fraud’ prosecutions in their capacity building and training around these issues (2016-)
Impact on Criminal Defence Litigation Strategy in:
R v McNally [2013] EWCA Crim 1051 (Leveson LJ) (defence counsel: Tom Wainwright)
R v Newland 15/9/2015 (Unrept, Chester Crown Court) (Judge Dutton) (defence counsel: Nigel Power QC)
R v Newland 29/6/17 (Unrept, Manchester Crown Court) (Judge Stockdale) (defence counsel: Nigel Power QC and Tom Wainwright)
Public Lectures bringing ideas to life through David Bowie:
Arizona State University (2016); ANU (2016); QUT (2016); Birkbeck Cinema (2017, 2023); Queer Up North Festival, Contact Theatre (2017); Keele University (2017); Edinburgh University (Annual Law and Society Lecture) (2017); Sheffield University (2018); Dublin David Bowie Festival (2020, 2021); University of Warwick (2022-2025); University of Reading (LGBTQ History Month) (2023); University of Nottingham (2024).
Arts Panel Dicussions
David Bowie World Fan Convention, Liverpool 2022: 'Why is David Bowie Important?' panel discussion with Dr Bethany Usher, John Cambridge (original member and drummer in David Bowie's band, Hype 1970), and Woody Woodmansey, drummer in Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars.
The Grand Exposition, Artists and Technologists Collective, Talbot Mill, Manchester, 2017: panel discussion regarding AI & utopias/dystopias.
Sick Festival, Contact Theatre, Manchester 2016: 'Fluid and Fractured Identities' panel discussion with poet, Lemn Sissay and peformance artist, Hetain Patel.
Submissions to International Legal Bodies:
International Commission of Jurists regarding ‘Misuse of Criminal Laws in the areas of Sexuality and Gender Identity’ (March 2019)
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD supervisees. However, please ensure that you have a research proposal which corresponds with the University of Warwick School of Law requirements.
I particularly welcome postgraduate research students in the areas of social and legal theory and/or gender, sexuality and law. A variety of PhD funding opportunities are available at Warwick.
'Animal Farm Revisited: A Feminist Allegory' Critical Legal Thinking (14 March 2022).
'Frontiers of Socio-Legal Studies:' Oxford University's Professor Linda Mulcahy interviews Alex Sharpe (2 February 2022).
'Review of Helen Joyce's Trans and Kathleen Stock's Material Girls' Critical Legal Thinking (8 October 2021).
'‘Not a Nazi … But’: Forstater v CGD Europe' Critical Legal Thinking (29 June 2021).
‘Gym Use and Changing Rooms: the Illegality and Chilling Effect of (Trans)gender Segregation’ Oxford University Human Rights Hub (co-author Dr Peter Dunne) (28 March 2019).
‘Are Some Feminists Asking the Wrong Question about Who Counts as a Lesbian?' Diva Magazine (22 January 2019).
‘Parliament cannot have Intended such Absurdity' in 'Shifting Sands: Six Legal Views on the Transgender Debate’ The Guardian (19 October 2018).
‘Legal Arguments that Gender Self-Declaration Undermines Women’s Rights are Seriously Flawed’ Inherently Human (15 October 2018).
‘What Would Changes to the Gender Recognition Act Mean? Two legal Views’ The Conversation (5 October 2018).
‘Foxes in the Henhouse: Putting the Trans Women Prison Debate in Perspective’ Inherently Human (11 Sept 2018).
‘Let's Get Real on International Women's Day’ Inherently Human (3 October 2017).
‘My Favourite Album: David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs’ The Conversation (24 Sept 2017).
‘Using AI to Determine Queer Sexuality is Misconceived and Dangerous’ The Conversation (co-author Dr Sen Raj) (15 Sept 2017).
‘Taking to Task Left Liberal Opposition to Greening’s Gender Recognition Reforms’ Inherently Human (1 August 2017).
‘Why We Should Oppose Gender Identity Fraud Prosecutions’ Legal Voice (10 July 2017).
‘Gayle Newland and the Problem of Equating Ignorance with Non-Consent’ The Conversation (3 July 2017).
‘Blind Desire: The Troubling Case of Gayle Newland’ Inherently Human (29 June 2017).
‘The Poverty of Gender Critical Feminism’ Inherently Human. (17 May 2016).
‘Stop Me if You Think You’ve Heard this One Before’ Inherently Human (2 April 2016).
‘Transgender Inquiry Side-Steps Urgent Issue of Gender Fraud’ Inherently Human (15 January 2016).
‘The Dark Truth Behind the Convictions for Gender Fraud’ New Statesman (16 December 2015).
‘Let Germaine Greer Speak. Its the Fastest Way to Discredit Her’ New Statesman (27 October 2015).
‘Deceit or Disappointment? ‘Gender Fraud’ Revisited’ Inherently Human (6 October 2015).
‘There’s More Than Meets the Eye in the Case of Gayle Newland’ New Statesman (18/9/15) (18 Sept 2015).
‘Constructing Trans-Cis Sexual Intimacy as Rape: A Novel Cis-Sexist Genre’ Inherently Human (23 October 2013).
‘As a transgender woman in prison Chelsea Manning is commencing the greatest struggle of her life’ The Independent (2 Sept 2013).